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Fipp Congress / News.

Di5rupt, the organizer of the annual FIPP Congress, is proud to release its latest Mx3 Leadership report, Media for interest-based communities – updates from the FIPP World Media Congress 2023. …

The ongoing pursuit of new revenue sources has led many magazine publishers and media companies to look once again at the potential of retail-based commerce opportunities. Over the next few years, we …

About / Us.

Co-founded by Cobus Heyl and John Schlaefli, Di5rupt (“disrupt”) is a startup but its portfolio includes brands stretching back almost a century.

In June 2022, we organised, hosted and sold out the 44th FIPP World Media Congress on license for the first time. Also in June, we launched our first proprietary product in conjunction with World News Media Network – a seminar on First-Party Data Strategies. Our second wholly-owned is Media Makers Meet (Mx3 Berlin), which focuses on innovation in B2B as special interest media verticals.

We further provide content, commercial and marketing services to 3rd parties such as for the FIPP – Connecting Global Media’s Insider events (international speaker acquisition and sponsorship sales) and Google and FT Strategies’ digital immersion weeks.

With direct access to multiple media and tech experts around the world, Di5rupt taps into an extensive knowledge ecosystem in developing and delivering its product and service portfolio. 

Based in the United Kingdom, Di5rupt operates across international markets.

Cobus Heyl
[email protected]


Focus areas:
General management
Content & Marketing

John Schlaefli
[email protected]


Focus areas:
General management
Commercial sales
Strategic partnerships

Ces Jyrwa
[email protected]


Focus areas:
Speaker management
Updating conference site/s
Social media posts and monitoring

Carlotta Serantoni
[email protected]

Focus areas:
Partnership sales
Publisher partnerships

Bastian Schwithal
[email protected]

Focus areas:
Di5rupt Entrepreneur-in-Residence: DACH region